Of: Anna Sjögren
You have to hold your nose when you drink coffee and you have started brushing with baby toothpaste. All food with onions tastes like rotten vegetables.
For five months, Magnus Tauvon’s sense of smell and taste has been completely derailed.
– It’s starting to get a bit stressful that it’s been so long, he says.
UNT was the first to report on the Magnus Tauvon case. For four weeks this spring, he, his wife, and their two children were home sick with covid-19. They all had mild symptoms but lost their sense of smell and taste. The children and his wife recovered it, and little by little it began to return for Magnus.
But in July, when the family was in Finland, something happened.
– I had a coffee and began to feel that it tasted strange, a little bitter. But I know Finnish coffee is a little different, so I thought it was something like that, says Magnus.
But then more things started to taste strange. All the onion and garlic food suddenly tasted like rotten vegetables.
– It is a foul and intense smell and tastes like burned in combination with some kind of rotten vegetable, says Magnus.
Toothpaste tastes like a rotten banana
For Magnus, who loves to cook and enjoy food, most of what he eats now tastes like rotten vegetables. Fried meat and eggs are impossible to eat, as are sweets. He has also been forced to start brushing his teeth with baby toothpaste.
– Toothpaste and jelly candies taste so unbelievably bad, it’s the same rotten sweet banana flavor that has stayed too long and then a little smoky flavor.
For five months, Magnus Tauvon’s sense of smell and taste has been completely derailed.
The changed sense of smell and taste has caused Magnus to completely change his diet in recent months. Raw salmon, sushi, soft cheeses, and butter, which do not taste as strong, go well. He has also found that vegetarian food is better than meat and that a stout tastes better than a lager.
He’s also made Magnus a bit dictatorial at home in the kitchen. You cannot cook anything with onions. If someone is frying a piece of meat, they will be ready to throw up.
– The food at home has become more boring, a lot of boiled potatoes and pasta. So it has also affected the family. At the grocery store, I read the fine print on the packaging to make sure nothing contains onions, but almost everything does.
One-tenth have long-term problems
Many covid patients suffer from loss of smell and taste; experts estimate that about 60% Y for most people, it comes back even though it may take time to train again. When the senses must begin again, it is common to experience a distorted taste and smell.
One-tenth are believed to suffer from long-term problems.
Photo: Tomas Oneborg / SvD / TT
Stock Photography.
Magnus Tauvon has received a referral to a specialist at an ear, nose and throat clinic who will examine him. But he thinks he’s gotten better lately. In Facebook groups, you’ve seen many others improve after seven to ten months.
– I have started to be able to drink coffee again, if I don’t breathe and smell at the same time, I can enjoy it. A little chewy tea works well too.
What is the worst of all this?
– The worry about whether it will really be good is the hardest part.
What’s the first thing you’ll do when you get a normal smell and taste back?
– It will be great when I can enjoy food again! For a wok with green onions, chicken and ginger or a luxurious beef steak with garlic butter. I feel bad now just thinking about it, but I really long for it. It’s like a giant birthday if you get out of this.
– But I didn’t have any more serious consequences from the crown, so I still feel like I got away with it.