The Bloomberg news agency has ranked the countries of the world according to their ability to cope with the corona pandemic.
Sweden is ranked 16th out of 53.
“Initially criticized for a lack of closed closures, Sweden now scores relatively high in almost all categories,” it says in the review.
Bloomberg has evaluated the 53 largest economies in the world in ten categories based on available statistics.
Among other things, the rate of spread of infection, deaths relative to population, the frequency of testing, the number of vaccine agreements entered into, and the general availability of medical care are measured. At the other extreme, the ranking also takes into account, for example, the economic consequences of various restrictions and the degree of freedom of movement of residents.
The list was drawn up on Tuesday. According to Bloomberg, it should be seen as a snapshot and may change depending on how the pandemic plays out in different countries.
New Zealand one before Japan
New Zealand leads with a total score of 85.4 (out of 100 possible). In second place is Japan with 85 and Taiwan with 82.9.
New Zealand is hailed for its national shutdown in late March and for an aggressive testing, infection tracking and isolation strategy to stop the spread of domestic infections.
Photo: Andrew Warner / TT NEWS AGENCY
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has been praised for how she handled the crown situation in New Zealand.
“New Zealanders have been very successful at this and now basically live in a world without covid. The country has only had a handful of cases of infection in society in recent months and live music and large-scale social events are back. The tourism industry is suffering, but New Zealand is well equipped for a vaccine with two agreements in place, “writes Bloomberg in his analysis.
When it comes to Japan, other factors stand out as successful. The law makes lockdowns difficult, but people have voluntarily worn mouth guards and avoided crowds as best they could, Bloomberg says. Japan has also benefited from a large number of tracers employed by the government after previous outbreaks of tuberculosis. At the moment, the country has only 331 patients with severe covid out of a total of 120 million inhabitants, something that the report compares, for example, with France, which has half the population but 5,000 patients with corona in care intensive.
So it is in the Nordic countries
Finland (82 points), Norway (81.6) and Denmark (77) are in the top 10 on the Bloomberg list. Sweden ranks 16th with 68.7 points.
Photo: Janerik Henriksson / TT / TT NEWS AGENCY
Anders Tegnell receives rice and praise for the strategy of the Swedish crown.
The list shows that Sweden stands out positively in terms of the health system and the proportion of deaths in relation to the number of people infected.
Sweden is also mentioned, in the same vein as Japan and South Korea, for the high level of trust in the authorities, which has meant that drastic closures have not been needed.
Bloomberg also notes that Sweden appears to be improving in the second wave of the pandemic:
Initially criticized for missing closures, Sweden now scores relatively high in almost every Bloomberg category. After an initial wave of deaths among the elderly, Sweden reports fewer infections, fewer deaths and fewer social unrest than other parts of Europe. “
Photo: Bloomberg
In one graph, Bloomberg compares Sweden’s relative death toll with badly affected Belgium.
At the bottom of the Bloomberg list are Mexico (37.6 points), Argentina (41.1) and Peru (41.6). According to the ranking, the European countries that face the pandemic the worst are Belgium (45.6) and the Czech Republic (46.8). It is also noteworthy that Spain, France and Italy finish behind developing countries such as Bangladesh and Pakistan.