Sweden’s vaccine coordinator Richard Bergström estimates that all Swedes will have been offered a vaccine before the summer. Stock Photography.
Photo: Fredrik Sandberg / TT
All Swedes who wish can be vaccinated against covid-19 before the summer. Swedish vaccine coordinator Richard Bergström makes that assessment.
– I can’t say that when we achieve herd immunity, you can ask epidemiologists about that. But I am convinced that the entire population of Sweden will have been offered a vaccine before the summer, he tells Aftonbladet.
Covid-19 vaccines are already in full swing on a large scale in countries like the United States, Britain and Israel. The EU, on the other hand, is several months behind, according to figures from the analysis company Airfinity, which Svenska Dagbladet has read. The company estimates that Sweden will not achieve herd immunity, as 70 percent of the population has been vaccinated, as of September.
The reason is that the EU has bought too few doses of the vaccines that are now being rolled out, Airfinity CEO and founder Rasmus Bech Hansen tells SvD, but Richard Bergström disagrees.
“The EU has been more reluctant than others to report what volumes we have and when they are delivered, while other countries have chosen to be more optimistic, thus lacking information leading to the wrong conclusions,” he told Aftonbladet.
If all goes according to plan, there will be five vaccines available in Sweden in the spring. Vaccination with the Pfizer and Biontech vaccine began on December 27, just four days after it was approved by the EU Medicines Agency EMA, and already on Monday the EU is expected to approve Moderna’s vaccine. It is faster than expected, as the scientific discussions at the EMA have progressed rapidly. Richard Bergström believes that the first doses of Modernavaccinet will arrive in Sweden in two weeks.
The Swedish-British Astra Zeneca vaccine is expected to be approved by the EU in a few weeks, while the Johnson and Johnson and Curevac variants are expected to get the green light in April.
Susanna Persson Öste / TT
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