Conclusion for Liberals | Aftonbladet



From: Beri Zangana


The crisis continues for liberals and party leader Nyamko Sabuni.

In the latest Aftonbladet / Demoskop voter barometer, the party gets 2.8 percent, which is the second-lowest list.

– It is a very serious situation and it is difficult to understand what they should do now, says Karin Nelsson, CEO of Demoskop.

Former V leader Jonas Sjöstedt poked fun at the scant support from liberals on Twitter on Sunday. in a cheep From his new homeland, Vietnam, he wrote: “Have a Bia Hoi on Sunday night. Extremely popular Vietnamese fresh beer in barrels of 3-4 crowns per glass. Not very strong, just a small percentage more than the liberals. ”

And now comes the next beer-related explosion for the game. On the Aftonbladet / Demoskop voter barometer for December, the party scores 2.8 percent. This is the second-lowest list in party history on Demoskop’s voter barometer.

According to the poll, liberal voters are concerned about casting their vote for the party, the reason being that it would be a wasted vote.

The reason for the loss is explained, among other things, by the liberals’ stance on the government issue and that the leadership of party leader Nyamko Sabuni has not benefited the party.


Karin Nelsson, CEO of Demoskop.

Don’t you dare vote for L

Among other things, voters do not perceive the party as relevant.

– In this poll, voters have responded that they dare not vote for the Liberals if there were elections today. They think it would be a vain vote, says Karin Nelsson, adding that the crisis has reached another level.

The lowest rating liberals have received is 2.7 percent, which was in May and June this year.

Aftonbladet has contacted the commenting liberals in an email response.

“They are bad numbers and a very tough situation for our party. We have had low public opinion since the formation of the government. Restoring trust between liberal and bourgeois voters takes time, ”writes Axel Mårtensen, coordinator of the party leadership team.

Highest listed m since 2018

Christian Democrats also lose in the voter barometer for December, back 1.2 percent.

Moderates note their highest voter support during the term at 23.2 percent. One explanation according to Demoskop is clarity on matters related to law and order.

Photo: Paul Wallander




