“We have crossed the hill and headed downhill, and we have every reason to be hopeful in the long run,” Johnson said at a news conference, the first for him since he became ill at covid-19.
Johnson met the press the day after his girlfriend gave birth to the couple’s son. But the prime minister postponed his parental leave and also chaired a government meeting via video link on Thursday.
It did this the day after the official death tolls in the country in the crown pandemic were clearly worded and showed that Britain is the country in Europe that has the second-highest death toll after Italy.
New statistics, which, in addition to hospitals, began to include deaths in elderly care and housing, showed an increase of 4,419 deaths to a total of 26,097 people.
“Option menu”
In addition, he has raised questions about what the government can do more and how to ease restrictions in the country.
On Thursday, the number of deaths rose to 674. According to Johnson, the British have already passed the culmination of the outbreak, but also warned to relax and ease restrictions.
– We need not lose control.
With rising unemployment and major economic consequences, more and more votes are being raised to gradually reopen the country. Johnson replies that next week the government will present a “menu of options” for action at an opening, but insisted on not giving a date for when it could start.
Johnson again praised the NHS national health care system, which previously said it certainly saved his life when he was treated by covid19, but also that the restrictions in turn saved the NHS.
– Thanks to the massive collective effort to protect the NHS, we have prevented an uncontrollable and catastrophic epidemic, where it is reasonable that 500,000 deaths were required in the worst case.
He also received questions about the government’s goal of being able to conduct 100,000 tests in the country by the end of April. According to the government, 81,611 tests were carried out on Wednesday, far from the target.
– You will hear much more about the tests in the next two days, as you can understand, about where we are in terms of tests. . “Obviously it’s a massive road,” says Johnson.
A photo posted by Boris Johnson’s Prime Minister’s Office when he chaired a government meeting via the video link on Thursday.
The photographer:
Andrew Parsons / Prime Minister’s Office / AP / TT