Companies accused of racism in Halloween makeup


Of: Anna Sjögren


Dress up as an African or Chinese for the Halloween party.

On social media, people are furious at the makeup games Fyndiq sells and accuse the company of making money from racism.

“Unfortunately, we have gotten rid of ourselves,” the company writes in an Instagram post.

This year’s Halloween celebration is fast approaching. At the same time, people start looking for masquerade costumes and costumes and come across more or less inappropriate products. Now he is raiding the Fyndiq company, which this year sells the makeup set to dress up as Africans or Chinese.

And the storm of criticism on social networks has not been long in coming.

The company’s comment field has been filled with vomit emojis, long fingers, and annoying comments wondering how a business can sell this type of product in 2020.

There was makeup for dressing in both Chinese and African.

There was the makeup set to dress up as both Chinese and African.

“Makes money off racism”

“WTF? What you think? There has recently been a BLM movement (note from the reds that black lives matter) about things like this that shouldn’t happen in 2020. I can’t find the words, “someone writes.

Others wonder why Fyndiq sells black-faced and yellow-faced products and accuses the company of contributing and trying to make money off racism.

“The color of my skin is not a fucking masquerade,” writes a follower.

They have removed their makeup

Fyndiq has not responded to criticism in its comment fields. However, the makeup games have been removed from the web store.

Fyndiq apologized on Instagram.

On Friday afternoon, the company came out with an apology on Instagram.

“Unfortunately at Fyndiq we have gotten rid of ourselves. We have had racist products for sale and that is absolutely good,” writes Fredrik Norberg, CEO and founder of the company, in the post.

The dealer has closed

According to Fyndiq, everything has happened because it is a market with thousands of affiliate retailers offering their products. You did not buy the makeup set yourself.

“As soon as we find out about this, we immediately recall the products and the retailer closes.”

This is not the first time that storms have occurred around Fyndiq. The company has previously been criticized for a campaign that used a minor influencer. Additionally, small e-retailers who have used the company’s platform have criticized the company for long payment periods and that retailers have been shut down without notice.

Aftonbladet has requested Fyndiq through the company’s press service.


