Closing meetings with a sharp eye


In the tales of the British Tessa Hadley, the meetings are central and the cultural journalist Sune Johannesson is convinced of a narrative art with an aerial perspective and details.

Tessa Hadley’s art of storytelling brings me closer, almost as if I blush at times and try to look away. So vips, she throws me a life forward or several years back.

There are already two of Hadley’s novels in Swedish, this book consists of ten short stories from different books and eras, from 2003 to 2018.

Although I have my favorites, this is almost straightforward through fascinating and eye-catching read, where I meet people who end up in new unfamiliar situations. It is the encounters that change, show new paths or open up to previously unknown interior ponds. Everything is featured with a sharp gaze and brilliant language, where great perspectives and close details create the whole.


In “Noveller” (it speaks of an unimaginative title) it is about the discoveries of adolescents but also about relationships, loneliness and family ties. It is present and history and possible future.

Sune Johannesson

Like the description of a younger mother who becomes a domestic worker for an older rich man and ends up in unwanted roles and realizes a dark story. I am as fascinated by the story as I am in another story by the phrase “a baklavasmula was stuck in the corner of my mouth.” They both talk about people and situations in life.

In “Noveller” (it speaks of an unimaginative title) it is about the discoveries of adolescents but also about relationships, loneliness and family ties. It is present and history and possible future. And although there are sometimes different physical trips, it is mainly inland that the trip takes place. In our secrets, memories and hidden dreams.
