Close to Denmark – UK flight stops


Of: Adam westin


The government today presented measures regarding the new crown mutation.

Travelers from Denmark and the UK are detained, and those who have already arrived from the UK are urged to self-quarantine.

– It is not ruled out that it exists in Sweden but we have not yet been able to confirm it, says Johan Carlson about the new mutation.

Interior Minister Mikael Damberg started the government press conference saying they have “bad news” today. After midnight, entry bans from Denmark and the UK are prohibited.

– The United Kingdom is the country most affected by the new variation of the virus. It is reported to be spreading faster than before, if possible. To minimize the risk of the new infection spreading here, the government has today decided to ban entry from the UK. The ban mainly means that all people except Swedish citizens will be turned away if they try to travel to Sweden, says Mikael Damberg.

Interior Minister Mikael Damberg (S), Foreign Minister Ann Linde and Johan Carlsson, Director of the Public Health Agency.


Minister of the Interior Mikael Damberg (S), Minister of Foreign Affairs Ann Linde and Johan Carlsson, Director of the Public Health Agency.

“Risk of Danes going to Sweden”

Denmark has had a further spread of the infection in recent times and has closed all shopping centers. Due to this, but also because the new variation has been found in Denmark, the border is also closed there.

– There is an obvious risk that Danes will be tempted to go to Sweden to buy Christmas gifts or spend time, for example in Malmö, says Mikael Damberg.

Swedish citizens, other people living or working in Sweden, as well as people carrying out freight transport are excluded.

Flight stop for 48 hours

The Foreign Office updated the UK travel notice, Foreign Minister Ann Linde said.

– We advise with immediate effect of unnecessary trips to the UK, says Ann Linde.

Additionally, all passenger flights from the UK will stop for 48 hours, until 4pm on Wednesday 23 December. Cargo flights and ambulance flights are excluded.

– We chose to introduce this measure for a limited time to allow a common debate and attitude at European level, says Ann Linde.

Photo: Steve Parsons / TT

UK passenger flights are stopped.

No cases were found in Sweden

The Director General of the Swedish Public Health Agency also participated in the talks about the new infection. It is not excluded that it exists in Sweden, but the Public Health Agency has not been able to confirm it.

– This variant may be more contagious than before, but research on the properties of the variant is still ongoing. However, the symptoms of the disease do not appear to be any different, says Johan Carlson.

People who have entered Sweden from the UK are covered by the new quarantine rules.

– The Swedish Public Health Agency has decided that everyone who traveled from the UK to Sweden sometime after December 12 should get tested for covid-19 as soon as possible. Those coming from the UK are further encouraged to stay home and avoid contact with other people for as long as possible up to a week, that is, seven days after arrival. The tests must be repeated on the fifth day after arrival, says Johan Carlson.

Johan Carlson emphasizes in particular that employers in health and care make sure this is done, when it comes to employees who have been to the UK.

I didn’t stop today

Aftonbladet has reported today that planes can continue to fly to Sweden from the UK, when they stop, for example, in Denmark. During question time, SVT asked why the government had not acted earlier.

– It depends a bit on how decisions are made, we have made decisions in our opinion quite quickly. In addition, we have made a decision that Denmark has not taken, that is, it introduced an entry ban that can work after these 48 hours in case of an extension, says Mikael Damberg.

PODD The next pandemic?

Do we have to worry about more pandemics? What have we learned from this?
And can we do something to prevent history from repeating itself? Aftonbladet Daily with Ali Mirazimi, Associate Professor of Clinical Virology at Karolinska Institutet.

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