Christmas Eve arrives wrapped in clouds


If Santa is going to find the right one during the Christmas Eve trip, he will learn to navigate around the many clouds that will be over Sweden.

In the extreme south, mainly in Skåne and on Öland and Gotland, the risk of rain is great and any Christmas walk can be done with the umbrella for company.

– But it cannot be ruled out that there are at least some rays of sunshine, says Sofia Söderberg, a meteorologist at SMHI.

A flash of light, in a double sense, is Northwest Götaland and West Svealand, which can look forward to a clear day. Clear and cold, but green.

Because although the temperature is expected to drop, there will be no white Christmas for the south of the country. This view is reserved for Norrland and North Svealand this year.

Even there, clouds and a certain amount of precipitation dominate, with the difference that it is then the snow that falls. Even Dalafjällen and Gästrikland you can expect snow.

– And the coming snow must remain at least until Christmas Day, says Sofia Söderberg.

Along the coast the snow cover is relatively thin so far and to get adequate snow you have to go inland.

Cooler air moves down over the country during Christmas and in many places positive temperatures are expected to dip to less. Then the coast of Uppland can count on some snowy town or snow mixed with rain.

All the way to Skåne, it can be freezing, maybe already on Christmas Eve. But already in the middle of the day, a softer air seems to enter.
