Chaos when Biden and Trump debated: “Shut up”


Of: By Bjurman


CLEVELAND. It took a little over a quarter of an hour.

So Joe Biden told Donald Trump to shut up.

Thus, the tone was set in the most chaotic presidential electoral debate in history.

It was during a bitter exchange of words on the Supreme Court 18 minutes into the first debate between President Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden in Cleveland that it all went off the rails.

The two rivals broke off as did moderator Chris Wallace and in the end Biden lost his temper completely.

– You want to shut up, man? (“Can you shut up, man?”) He hissed.

Thus, the tone was set for the remainder of the evening at Case Western Reserve University.

The acclaimed insults

Because in exactly the same way, what was immediately called the most chaotic presidential debate in American history continued.

Barely a sentence could be uttered without interruption, insults and accusations were received, and Wallace seemed to shed tears during his unsuccessful attempts to get some order at the event.

– This clown, Biden sighed at one point.

– Never use the term “smart” when you speak to me, Trump hissed to another.

-You are the worst president the United States has ever had, Biden continued, and also received a blatant racist accusation.

– I have done more in 47 months than you in 47 years, said Trump.

The president gestures during the debate.

Photo: Julio Cortez / AP

The president gestures during the debate.

They also managed to spread violent fights about Trump’s treasures, Biden’s children and about… yes, Wallace.

– Apparently it is with you that I am debating, not with him. Not surprisingly, Trump snorted at the desperate moderator at one point.

“No debate, a shit show”

Who learned anything after the debate?

Yes, at least not to insecure voters (eleven percent according to recent opinion polls) who were hoping to learn something about differences of opinion on various issues.

They were only allowed to participate in one cake toss that couldn’t have made anyone wiser.

Now the question is whether there will be more debates between these candidates. Two more are planned, one in Miami on October 15 and one in Nashville on October 22, but several commentators are already questioning the meaning of implementing them.

– There was no debate. It was a shit show, Dana Bash exclaimed on CNN last night.

– And most people on all sides about the boundary of the block agree. It didn’t make any sense with this.

Photo: Julio Cortez / AP

Biden called Trump “a clown.”


