Of: Anna Sjögren
An embarrassment to Sweden and a terrible betrayal of a child.
Known profiles are now furious at the Swedish Immigration Board’s decision to deport only 10-year-old Bouquet to Turkey.
– It is a failure of Sweden as a nation, writes soccer star Jimmy Durmaz on Instagram.
The fall of Bouquet, aged ten, continues to arouse emotions. After the latest Aftonbladet article about the girl who is at risk of being deported alone to Turkey, well-known profiles come to her defense.
Jimmy Durmaz, who plays for the great Turkish club Galatasaray and the national team, has posted several posts about her on his instagram.
– That Buket is deported to a country where she does not have an adult who can care for her is a failure of Sweden as a nation, she writes in a post.
Photo: Berit Roald / TT
It’s a failure of Sweden as a nation, writes soccer star Jimmy Durmaz on Instagram.
Shame on the tamejfan
The national team player has previously made a commitment to children’s rights and gender equality, including through the Locker Room Talk campaign. He urges his followers to be a voice for Bouquet and other children and share the post, which was liked by almost 7,700 people.
– We all must take responsibility for social problems and especially with regard to children.
Comedian Özz Nujen has also posted several posts about her on his Instagram. He believes that the Swedish Migration Agency has crossed the line of decency.
– How can you even think of separating a girl from a family that loves her? Children are not treated like that. It is blatantly the Swedish Migration Agency, ashamed of its tamejfan, says when Aftonbladet contacts her by phone.
He criticizes the fact that politicians have so far been silent on Bouquet’s case and hopes his speech can spark debate.
– That more politicians who seek to protect the rights of children and talk about it do not get involved? I would like to see the politician who wants to send her son only to a country without the family receiving her.
Photograph: Staffan Löwstedt / TT
It is blatantly that the Swedish Migration Agency is ashamed of you tamejfan, says Özz Nujen when Aftonbladet contacts him by phone.
“You failed a child”
Both Jimmy Durmaz and Özz Nujen mention that the Convention on the Rights of the Child has become Swedish law since this year, but they believe that the authority has not taken it into account in the case of Bouquet.
– It must be based on the best interests of the child according to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, why does it not apply to the Branch? It disappoints a child and doesn’t do it in a legal society like Sweden, says Özz Nujen.
In previous responses to Aftonbladet, the Swedish Migration Agency has said that Buket is supposed to be deported along with his father, who went into hiding in connection with the rejection of his asylum application.
“We understand that she is in a difficult and uncertain situation and that this involves many, but again, if the children are going to leave the country, they do so mainly with their parents. If this is not possible, we will investigate if there is a family or any other type of reception organized in the country of origin. If this cannot be guaranteed, the trip will not take place ”, it is written in a written comment.