Celebrate Christmas with Swedish State Epidemiologist Anders Tegnell and His Family – Five Minutes Auctioned As Charity


In Sweden, there is now the opportunity to celebrate Christmas with state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell. His daughters are auctioning off five minutes of Family Christmas at the Musikhjälpen charity program to benefit people’s right to health care.

Anders Tegnells The daughters often watch Musikhjälpen every year, an annual program that aims to highlight a hidden human disaster and raise money. Swedish Radio, SVT and Radiohjälpen are the organizers.

This year the theme is “everyone has the right to healthcare” and then the Tegnells family wanted Annemiek, 25 years, Emeli, 33 years old, and Saskia, They contribute 30 years. They let the show cap off five minutes of family Christmas.

– This year’s theme is close to our hearts, since almost the whole family works in health. It’s fun to take this opportunity to get as much money as possible, says Annemiek Tegnell, who works as a nurse in an infection ward in Malmö.

Emeli is a doctor at Sahlgrenska in Gothenburg and her mother is an occupational therapist, although she no longer works clinically. Only Saskia does not work in the healthcare sector.

“A little holy”

The winner of the auction can participate in Zoom during the holidays. No one in the Tegnell family is bothered by the extra attention. Because so much has been said about her father, Annemiek thinks “most of it is funny.”

– Who would have thought that a state epidemiologist could receive so much attention? But it’s fun that we can do something about it now that it’s important, he says.

The three sisters will celebrate with their parents. Lots of Christmas decorations and a homemade fir tree are some of the ingredients for your Christmas. At the time of the five minutes, Annemiek thinks that they must agree on the winner.

– Maybe it’s more fun when we deliver Christmas presents. It is a bit sacred to us, but now we agree with this. And it’s five minutes, so we can dedicate ourselves to it, he says.

Looking forward

Anders Tegnell starts with his daughters’ plans and does not tire too much of the public to participate.

– Of course, we have received your approval. And I think he’s looking forward to it too, says Annemiek Tegnell.

Even though you have spoken to the Swedes almost every day?

– Yes, and now they have another day.
