He has refused to read: “Choose not to read your texts”
Even before Runar Sögaard’s autobiography is available in stores, Carola Häggkvist fights back.
In an email to Aftonbladet, his press contact writes that the artist has chosen not to read what he wrote:
“For deeply personal reasons, since time with him has done and still does a lot of damage,” writes Carola’s press contact.
Posted on Monday Runar sogaards autobiography “God gave us ten commandments; I have violated nine of them” and the acclaimed speaker and former pastor told Aftonbladet that he writes in the book about why he decided to divorce. Carola Häggkvist in 2000 after ten years of marriage.
But even now, before the book is available in stores, Carola chooses to fight back her ex-husband. Runar says he made sure to send what he wrote about Carola to his ex-wife, but in an email to Aftonbladet he writes to his press contact that she has not read.
“Carola herself has not read any text or content of the book,” writes Carola’s press contact in the email.
The singer is abroad to celebrate the fall break with her daughter and has chosen not to comment on the book herself. According to the press contact, Carola has chosen not to read any part of Runar Sögaard’s book: “for deeply personal reasons, as time with him has done and continues to do a lot of damage.”
Furthermore, Carola’s press contact writes that the artist “does not want to participate in the promotion of his book, from which he benefits through the lowest possible level.”
Carola threatens a lawyer
Runar Sögaard has told Aftonbladet about her book and that she let Carola read the chapters about her:
– The truth is somewhere. You must never forget that. And there have been no objections, for the simple reason that there is nothing to object to. Because what I write are facts. Of course, it can be difficult for the people involved, but the truth sometimes hurts. As long as it’s true, it’s fine.
In January last year, Runar Sögaard was sentenced to prison for, among other things, accounting offenses, a verdict that has now been appealed and is expected to be dealt with in the Court of Appeal next year. Neither Runar nor his main witness were able to participate in the district judicial process, which therefore based the conviction on the prosecutor’s request. Therefore, Runar is now convinced that the Court of Appeal will convert the prison sentence into a daily fine.
But the email from Carola’s team also addresses criminal suspicions and the artist wants to warn against contact with her ex-husband. Carola Häggkvist does not rule out that in the future she may involve her lawyer:
“In case of future comments on the case, Carola’s attorney or agent will initiate an action,” writes Carola’s press contact in the email.
Runar Sögaard greets through his agent that he does not want to comment on Carola’s team email.
Carola Häggkvist.
Runar Sögaard.