Police report on their website that the robbery occurred at 7pm on Thursday.
It all started when a man and a woman were stolen from their passenger car outside of Harlösa. The perpetrators were armed with a pistol-like object.
Police patrols were sent to the man and the woman, who were physically unharmed.
After about half an hour, a patrol discovered the stolen passenger car on the E22, heading north between the Lunds Norra traffic stop and the Gårdstånga traffic stop.
“At the same stage, the driver of the seized vehicle quickly increases speed and increases the distance to the police patrol,” the police write on their website.
Jumped off the road
The car chase ended at a traffic site at the Gårdsstånga traffic stop. There, the car thieves got off the road and landed on a bike path.
One of the thieves was injured in connection with the accident and was taken to the hospital by ambulance. The other criminal has fled the scene.
During a Thursday night, a police chase took place on E22, where a patrol with the help of a dog searched for the other of the two robberies.
“That author is still on the loose,” says Rickard Lundqvist, a police press spokesman.
Are you still searching?
– No, we have finished the effort we had at E22. Now we look for another way.
The incident is being investigated as a serious robbery.