Fredrik Huss is Chief Medical Officer at the Burn Center at the Academic Hospital.
– Thanks to great progress, today we have higher survival rates for people with very serious burns. Surgical procedures are performed earlier and with better methods, pain relief has been improved and care times are short. Injuries, which previously required hospitalization, can now be managed through reception, which is positive, especially for the patient who does not have to lie in the hospital, says Fredrik Huss.
The Academic Hospital since 2000 has shared a national responsibility for the care of patients with severe burns with the Linköping University Hospital.
Fredrik Huss says that the big development in treating severe burns came in the 1980s. Then, patients immediately began to operate to remove dead tissue in and around the burns.
– Before this, surgery was expected for a few weeks leading to infections, bad smells, blood poisoning and death. When he immediately began removing dead tissue, the number of deaths decreased significantly, he says.
What causes the burns you treat?
– When it comes to young children, injuries are often caused by a child who puts his hand on a hot stove or has boiling water or coffee on it. In the case of adult patients, the damage is often due to the fact that it has started to burn in the living room, for example from smoking in bed. As a general rule, there is alcohol abuse or other problems behind these events, he says.
December 6 marks the anniversary of the burn clinic.