Of: TT
Photo: Jil Yngland / NTB scanpix / TT
Police are conducting a technical investigation of the bunker.
Several people who participated in a party in a bunker in Oslo have suffered brain injuries, reports NRK. Exhaust gases from a power unit poisoned several young people at the party, which was held without permission this weekend.
– We have patients who are still being cared for and who have complications in the form of brain injuries, Dag Jacobsen, emergency manager at Oslo University Hospital, tells NRK.
However, it does not say how many have suffered brain damage or how severe they are.
A total of 27 people were taken to the hospital after the party, who did not have permission. Seven were found unconscious and five of them the condition was first described as critical.
Police estimate that more than 200 people attended the party on Sunday. The only entrance and exit to the bunker was one square meter.
Jacobsen says it could have ended in a national disaster.
– This incident could have been Norway’s worst accident in peacetime.