This morning, the Norrbotten region reported that another ten county residents with Covid had passed away. The culmination was reached on Sunday when five people died.
Since the outbreak began, many of the cases have occurred in elderly care. That number is still the majority but has fallen. In total, the average age of the deceased is slightly less than 85 years.
– In the last ten cases, people have been between 75 and 97 years old. The older it is, the more vulnerable and fragile it becomes to this infection, says Anders Nystedt, but emphatically points out:
– This does not mean at all that it is harmless for the youngest. We have deaths in the region that were born in the 1960s and younger than those who were cared for in the intensive care unit.
It is up to everyone to contribute
Nystedt has repeatedly called on county residents to protect each other, abide by restrictions, and reduce the increase in spread.
– It is the only way to influence and control the situation. But we are not doing well enough. And when we don’t, the consequence can be a black Sunday like this.
The infection control doctor understands that many people want to celebrate Christmas with their older relatives, but emphasizes that precautionary measures must be so rigorous that it is wiser to refrain.
– If you manage not to expose yourself to anyone or anyone for a couple of weeks, it should work. But I think no one wants, for example, mother or grandmother to caramelize the eyelash.