On November 27 comes Black Friday shopping day in Sweden. The Swedish Public Health Agency is now urging the public to stay home and shop online.
“We see that there are great risks and they can involve situations where people are crowded into tight contexts,” he said. Karin Tegmark Wisell, head of department of the Swedish Public Health Agency, during Thursday’s press conference, Breakit reports.
Earlier this week, the Swedish Public Health Agency had stated that Black Friday should be canceled, which was not positive news for already crowded merchants.
Positive tones
There were more positive tones during Thursday’s press conference.
“Basically, we are concerned that if you do hedge-priced Black Friday sales, people might break the recommendations. Instead, shop online,” said Karin Tegmark Wisell.
We may be moving towards more online shopping, regardless of the Swedish Public Health Agency’s recommendations. More and more chains change their habits and take action.
For example, Media Markt offers mouth protection to customers and Stadium will have its sales online.
Read more: Climate threat: now they are launching Unsubscribe Friday