Björn Olsen warns of the “Spanish pattern”


In recent weeks, reports of further spread of the infection have taken turns.

In Stockholm, the number of new confirmed cases has almost doubled from week to week.

– This is partly a sign that we have a greater spread of the infection in Stockholm, but we also have an increase in testing. I am completely convinced that we will see a greater number of confirmed cases of covid, says Björn Olsen, professor of infectious diseases.

Increase in seriously ill people

In the United States, researchers have made estimates that deaths could increase dramatically with the spread of infection. And in Spain, the number of people in intensive care for covid-19 has doubled in the last month, to 1,436 people, reported El Mundo. What it will be like for Sweden is too early to tell and depends on who is infected, says Olsen.

– It will remain at a lower level, but we will see an increase in infection, especially in large cities but also in clusters.

Point out workplaces

Many more corona tests are underway now than last spring. But the growing number right now probably also has to do with people getting to know each other more closely now than last summer, say Björn Olsen and Agnes Wold.

Last week, state epidemiologist Tegnell described how development in Sweden was slow “Going in the wrong direction.”

– That’s probably what he says, that people are working more now, and then there will be a little more spread of the infection, says Agnes Wold, professor of clinical bacteriology.

“50 times less”

In France, 157,475 new cases have been confirmed in the last 14 days, according to figures from the ECDC. There are 235 cases per 100,000 inhabitants during that period. In Sweden, the corresponding figure is 42.7.

– In France it is seen that it is increasing in the south and west of France, and it was they who were saved a little more before, says Agnes Wold.

Figures from the Public Health Agency now show around 200 to 400 cases per day in Sweden on average, he notes.

– It is estimated to be 50 times lower now than at the peak of the epidemic. Then go up, and that’s not good, of course. But you have to understand that it is incredibly much less than in March, April.

READ MORE: Swedish Mistakes – That’s Why We Die – The Warriors’ Defiance Warnings

One million people around the world have now died from covid-19. Globally, deaths are declining. But in Europe, they have risen four weeks in a row.
