“Working hard”
Photo: Johan Carlén / Folkspel
Presents Lotta Engberg and Stefan Odelberg.
It was a technical accident when Bingolotto’s reunion night on TV4 began.
Both the app and the website were down for many with digital tickets.
– We worked hard to get them out, Stefan Odelberg said on the broadcast.
Several readers reached out to Aftonbladet and many have also reacted on social media to the fact that they did not get their digital tickets and missed the first bingo.
– I know some who have digital tickets have some trouble getting them right now, but we are working hard for you to get them. There is nothing to delay them, but they are there and you are going to get them, said the host. Stefan odelberg in the live broadcast.
Bingolotto Public Relations Manager, John sarafian, wrote in a message to Aftonbladet:
“We are experiencing high demand for our digital tickets, a demand that far exceeds our expectations despite months of preparation. We are working hard to quickly find a solution to the problem, and of course we apologize for the disappointment many feel at not being able to get their supervisor batch. “
Demand money back
A moment later, after the first bingo game ended, he announced that the technology department had the systems working again.
But several people got in touch afterward and announced that they were having ongoing problems with their digital lottery tickets and demanded the money back.
“The current state is that some enter, but not all. We do our best to allow everyone to play second-rate bingo,” wrote John Sarafian.
I work later
On Bingolotto’s Facebook page, it said in a post a few minutes after 8:00 p.m.:
“Now the technical problems that we have experienced previously must be fixed. For you who bought digital tickets, please try logging in again! “
John Sarafian tells Aftonbladet that all systems are now on Folkspel’s side.
“Some users may continue to have problems, so we recommend that you restart your application or browser.”
100 million to the life of the association
Uppesittarkvällen’s up to four million tickets sold generated just over SEK 100 million for the life of the association, Folkspel writes in a press release.
Here are all the wait times for Uppesittarkvällen.
Photo: Johan Carlén / Folkspel
From Bingolotto’s reunion night.