In the last week alone, Joe Biden’s campaign for the presidential election through his Facebook page spent more than 7.6 million US dollars, equivalent to 66.5 million Swedish crowns, on advertisements on the platform. This is evident from data from so-called Facebook ad libraries, which compile political advertising on Instagram, Facebook Messenger, and Facebook. During the same period, Donald Trump has spent significantly smaller sums, corresponding to just over 36 million SEK.
It has not always been this way. In May 2019, Fox Business was able to report that in the first months of the year, Donald Trump spent more money on digital ads than all the Democratic presidential candidates combined. And as recently as July 2020, the Trump campaign spent more than three times more money on digital advertising than the Biden campaign, according to Bully Pulpit Interactive, which compiles and monitors political advertising on digital platforms. In September, however, Joe Biden spent more than Donald Trump, both on Facebook and Google.
The explanation to Joe Bidens The surprise is, unsurprisingly, about the money. The campaign for the former vice president’s presidential elections, since it became clear that he would be the Democratic presidential candidate, managed to raise more money than any other presidential candidate. Donald Trump, who had a huge monetary advantage for a long time, has been ignored by Joe Biden.
In August and September, the Biden campaign and the Democratic Party raised $ 747 million in donations, compared with 467 million for Republicans.
As the Financial Times was able to report earlier this week, Donald Trump’s campaign cash has actually started to run its course, while Biden, according to Politico, has also dodged Trump when it comes to television ads.
Joe Biden and Donald Trump Of course, you are not alone in advertising political issues on Facebook. DN’s review shows that at least 53,255 Facebook pages have spent more than $ 645 million, corresponding to more than SEK 5.6 billion, on almost 1.8 million different ads, in the last 90 days alone.
Most of the money has gone to ads targeting Florida residents, which are described as a state that Donald Trump must win, followed by California and the rolling state of Pennsylvania. More than $ 68 million has been spent in the last 90 days on Facebook ads targeting Florida, more than $ 3 per capita.
Even if it appears that would be the case, the presidential election is not all about money. In 2016, Hillary Clinton’s campaign cash and advertising budget was significantly higher than Trump’s, but Donald Trump still became president of the United States. And as DN was able to tell in August, Donald Trump is still much bigger than Joe Biden on social media, both in terms of followers and the spread of his posts.
Read more: Media giant backs Joe Biden