Before Vallhalla, we are voting the Assassin’s Creed shape curve


Assassin’s Creed it is a series that has become known, sometimes even infamously, for its rapid release rate; 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 (twice!), 2014, 2016, 2018 and so 2020 with recent confirmation Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Before the twelfth (!) Part we do as among others Final Fantasy and resident Evil – we voted for the shape curve for the entire series.

To maintain some sort of order, we skipped all the margins and put power in the main series, as it only led us to everything from Renaissance Italy and the American Revolution to ancient Greece and ancient Egypt. One thing is for sure: many have a lot of opinions about games.

As usual: vote for the FZ scale where “5” equals masterful and “1” something bad. Voting continues until Thursday of next week, and then the results are presented with a shape curve in which we calculate the ups and downs of the series. Which reaches the highest absolute peak?

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