Barack Obama is in Pennsylvania to discuss “the stakes” in the upcoming presidential election, which will take place on November 3. In Philadelphia, the largest city in the state, it held a campaign rally Wednesday night where the audience sat in their cars, with crown distances.
In his speech at the meeting, Barack Obama directed his criticism of Trump’s four years in the White House.
– Our proud reputation in the world is in ruins. The only ones better off than four years ago are the billionaires who got their tax cuts, he says.
A lot of time was also spent raising Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and how much better does he think they would handle issues like the corona pandemic.
“Joe will not fail tests, he will not call scientists idiots and he will not have superdistribution events at the White House,” Obama said.
Barack Obama helps Joe Biden
Obama’s efforts could be a way to help Joe Biden attract black men, where there are indications that the presidential candidate is underperforming, according to ABC News.
– I have never lost hope in recent years, I have been angry, but I have never lost hope. Progress does not move linearly. When I was elected, we may have been overly optimistic, but the change was real, Obama says.
In the conversation, Obama also took the opportunity to criticize Donald Trump’s handling of the crown pandemic.
– The pandemic would be difficult for any president, but the degree of incompetence and the false information, the number of people who might not have had to die if we had done the basics. The degree to which it has affected low-income people. There is evidence that it could have been fixed, Obama says.