Author Aron Flam’s trial began Thursday


The Emergency Preparedness Museum Foundation, which owns the copyright to the symbol “A Swedish tiger,” made the police report that is the basis of the indictment.

Aron Flam is accused of having illegally used the copyrighted image on the cover of his book for “This is a Swedish tiger.” The trial began on Thursday.

– I listen to the prosecutor carefully because I want to understand what he thinks I have done. He believes that I have committed copyright infringement and that I have defaced a national symbol, basically, Flam tells Expressen TV.

“The right to joke is fundamental to freedom of expression”

The cover contains a modified version of the classic illustration “A Swedish tiger”, designed by Bertil Almqvist. Aron Flam has also used the tiger in various ways on the Internet. In Flam’s version, the tiger has, among other things, a swastika at the same time as it salutes Hitler.

Aron Flam’s book is an accord with Sweden’s resigned attitude towards Nazi Germany during World War II. The prosecution seized him in June 2020.

In August, the Patent and Market Appeal Court lifted the seizure after the prosecutor failed to present sufficient evidence for the court to conclude that the seizure was justified.

How do you see your prospects for achieving this goal?

– I hope for the good of all that they are good, otherwise we do not have freedom of expression.

– The right to be ridiculed and to joke about, above all, symbols of power is fundamental for freedom of expression, so if we are not allowed to do so, we do not have freedom of expression, says the author.

Aron Flam is being tried by book cover.

READ MORE: Aron Flam is accused of copyright infringement
READ MORE: Flam’s “This is a Swedish tiger” seizure lifted
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