Astra Zeneca resumes corona vaccine studies


Clinical trials for Astra Zeneca’s corona vaccine have resumed in the UK, Astra Zeneca writes in a press release.

Astra Zeneca Swedish-British

AZN + 0.74%
Today’s development
It temporarily paused phase 3 testing of the COVID-19 vaccine the company is developing after a study participant fell ill.

The drug company now claims that testing was resumed after approval from the British Medicines Agency, MHRA.

Astra Zeneca develops, together with the University of Oxford, one of the most promising covid-19 vaccines. But news came Tuesday night that Astra Zeneca will take a breather in the phase 3 trials, which will include up to 60,000 people. According to the company, the break is about a standard review.

“On September 6, a voluntary hiatus was taken to allow for review of safety data by independent committees and international regulators. The British committee has completed its investigation and made its recommendations to the MHRA that the tests can be resume safely, “writes Astra Zeneka in the press release.

However, the company does not want to go into detail about what caused the breakup.

“Astra Zeneca and the University of Oxford, as trial sponsors, cannot disclose additional medical information. All investigators and trial participants will be updated with relevant information that will be disclosed in global clinical registries, in accordance with clinical trials and regulatory standards.” .

Astra Zeneca also write that the company will continue to work with health authorities around the world and will be guided when further clinical trials can be resumed to provide the vaccine widely, fairly and without benefits during the pandemic.

Astra Zeneca’s hope is that the results of the phase 3 study will be completed by the end of this year.

The action appeared initially after the news that the test took a break, but recovered at the end of the trading week.
