Was it nice to sleep one more hour yesterday morning? Or didn’t you notice anything?
The transition between winter time and summer time may seem like a shitty question, but like it or not, it affects us all.
Of the 195 countries in the world, only about seventy have daylight saving time, totally or partially.
Most Swedes are against it. About a third of them want constant daylight savings time. Like many, they want a constant winter time, which is actually called normal time.
Since 1980, when daylight saving time was last introduced in Sweden, it has been the subject of a series of parliamentary motions that want to abolish misery. The dispute is, of course, whether Sweden should have a permanent summer time or a normal time.
Athletes think differentlyBut almost all of them refer to studies and research said to support their particular line.
The moderates seem to have been very diligent.
Hans Rothenberg is on normal time in all situations and writes that traffic accidents increase by a percentage after the transition to daylight saving time: “Suddenly there are many more cars on the roads when animals cross them early in the morning , so they are surprised by the time change. ”
Party colleague Cecilia Widegren has spoken on the same issue, but has the opposite opinion: “Research shows that it is better for your health to have more light at night. Furthermore, electricity consumption would be reduced by 3% if we also had summer hours in winter ”.
She is supported by Annika Qarlsson and Ulrika Heie from the center, who want daylight saving time all year round.
Yasmine Eriksson of the Swedish Democrats is along the same lines: “It could reduce the feeling of insecurity outdoors for many.”
Liberals also want to join. Mathias Sundin and Robert Hannah write: “To avoid all this extra work of changing clocks twice a year, we suggest leaving daylight saving time throughout the year.”
Stefan Nilsson, Jan Lindholm, Marco Venegas and Pernilla Stålhammar of the Green Party also want summer time as normal time, which: “would reduce emissions by 70,000 tons of carbon dioxide, corresponding to the annual emissions of 30,000 cars.”
Photo: Marcus Ericsson / TT / TT NEWS AGENCY
The question of daylight saving time constantly raises opinions.
The funniest is the diligent moderate athlete Lotta Finstorp, who last parliamentary year advocated eternal summer and in her motion stated that: “Of course this would not mean summer and sun all year long, but we would avoid the negative consequences of the change of schedule every year “.
Now, however, it has completely changed.
In the last motion 2019/20: 3343, he writes: “I have made this motion for several years, then on making daylight saving time standard time. But after hearing and reading various arguments about winter time as standard time, I now choose to present this exercise instead. “
Daylight Saving Time will likely be abolished in a few years. It is happening in the EU. But the Brussels mills grind very slowly under the crown.
Shakespeare’s Hamlet said long ago: “Time is running out: alas! that I am the one who was born to spin it again ”.
It’s not just local election laws that are different in the US states In Arizona and Hawaii, there is no daylight saving time. They drive there at the same time all the time.
Time is relative. It is slower at sea level than in high mountains. It also goes slower if you travel very fast. And in a black hole it stops.