Several of Apple’s critics in the form of Epic Games, Spotify, Basecamp, Match Group, Tile, Blix and Deezer have joined forces to create the Coalition for App Fairness, in Swedish roughly “the coalition for equal treatment of applications.” reports The Verge.
The group says they are working to create a more level playing field for apps and provide consumers with options for their devices.
Seeing three problems with the App Store
The coalition focuses on three problems they see with Apple’s App Store rules: 1) that Apple takes 30 percent of sales made through an app, 2) that there is no way to compete on the platform. iOS and 3) that Apple uses its control over the App Store to prioritize its own applications.
Instead, the coalition wants to see that app developers don’t have to use a dedicated app store, that all developers have access to the same technical information as the platform owner, and that developers don’t have to pay unfair fees or unreasonable or share your income with may be available on the App Store.
Several of the coalition members have previous or ongoing legal disputes with Apple regarding these same rules. The coalition, on the other hand, is intended as an organization that less resourceful app developers can join as well.
Also read: The new page on the Apple website will show the benefits of the App Store