The 35-year-old, who has ridden almost the same roller coaster as Masarna for the past 20 years, bubbled with joy after driving for his first Swedish gold at the end of his career.
Happy and proud of the medal, he was in the middle of a cascade of lovely champagne.
One of his best moments as a racing driver. Antonio is often called “Rio Rocket”.
He came from Brazil to Sweden and Avesta as an adopted little boy. As a teenager on the way to an alpine race. A great talent. Tested at Speedway and replaced the steel edges with the trailer shoe.
The Swedish circuit should be grateful for that. Lindbäck has several important international merits on his CV.
He was long the “crown prince” of Tony Rickardsson, but had a hard time carrying the mantle of King Tony. There were many failures. Both on and off the track.
Come back one more time
Lindbäck’s personal problems have probably affected his chances of becoming world champion. Antonio left this year’s World Cup series strong after finishing 15th and last in the championship.
Sometimes it has been painful to see Lindbäck outperform its competitors. So it’s great to see Lindbäck come back and shine once again.
Tonight he was not a rising star.
Tonight it was the rocket rocket of the plains.
Antonio made sure that the gold didn’t turn to sand.