On Saturday, the Stockholm city environmental administration conducted 19 inspections, to see that the city’s taverns follow the Public Health Authority’s rules to stop the spread of covid-19.
Inspections were made in Hägersten, City and Södermalm and four bars and restaurants deviated from the standards of the Public Health Authority. Two of these were reported to Smittskydd Stockholm, who decided to close one of them.
This applies to the Monky bar in Sveavägen in central Stockholm. The infection protection decision states that the environmental administration and the police have made three visits to the Monky bar. The assessment is that there has been congestion and that the business has not done enough to remedy it.
“There have been too many tables and chairs and that in itself has created congestion,” says Peter Brådenmark, manager of the Stockholm environmental administration unit.
The municipality has verified Stockholm taverns since the end of March. Inspections are now carried out at least four days a week. Since the weekend of April 25, checks have doubled. But despite the fact that now a total of nine taverns were forced to close, Peter Bratanmark does not believe there is more awareness among pubs.
“We still have a third or a quarter that has deviations, so I don’t really think there is any improvement,” he says.
Let the problems continue it has to do with both pubs and visitors, says Peter Brådenmark.
– The great mass of these pub owners are trying to follow the rules. But then we have the guests who later in the night drink more and more and then it gets messy and messy and then you don’t mind even if the staff say so, says and continues:
– Taverns generally reject people who behave stupidly and can do so even now. So this is not impossible, but it is a shared responsibility that both bar owners and visitors must shoulder.
After a tavern closes the business can remedy the problems authorities have found and then it can reopen, but only after a new verification has been conducted and the municipality has determined that the pub meets the requirements. The decision can also be appealed to the administrative court.
Since March 25, the city of Stockholm has inspected a total of 357 taverns, of which 84 have had deviations. Nine of the pubs that have closed have reopened.