Another school in Gothenburg closes after crown outbreak


During the autumn, the Gothenburg compulsory school administration temporarily closed two school activities due to the spread of the infection: Fjällboskolan and a special teaching group in a compulsory school.

Both schools have returned to regular teaching after the fall break. But now another school is forced to remain closed, this after a consultation between the primary school administration and Smittskydd Västra Götaland.

– The reason is that many staff members are at home with symptoms. There are 20 who are at home, of which seven have been found covid, says Anders Andrén, head of education and covid coordinator for elementary school operations in Gothenburg.

READ MORE: Corona alarm at Gothenburg school: five sick students in covid-19

READ MORE: Infection control shuts down Gothenburg primary school operations

As it was urgent, a decision was made by the so-called president in the compulsory education council. The decision is valid from Wednesday morning until November 11. Meanwhile, students can stay home.

– It is a special activity where we cannot appoint substitutes in the group of students, because it requires special skills, says Anders Andrén.

Organize the care of certain children

He doesn’t want to date which school it is, only that it is a special elementary school with students from preschool through ninth grade.

– It is a vulnerable group of students, where many of them are in the risk group. But we do not have an established covid among students, but it is the group of staff that is affected, says Andrén.

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The closure can be shortened and extended, depending on how quickly staff recover and can return to work. The closure applies to both school and leisure activities.

– For those whose parents have socially important professions, we organize it carefully. The others can be at home.

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