“I’m retired, this feels horrible”
Linköping resident Annika Edvardsson, smoking under the fan can be expensive.
After inspecting the apartment you moved out of, you received a shocking message. The rental company Stångåstaden required him to pay 58,000 SEK.
– I can’t sleep at night, she says.
In early autumn, 67-year-old Annika Edvardsson moved from an apartment in Linköping to another in the municipality because she felt that she could not take care of her yard.
For a few years now, he has been jumping on crutches due to an injury to the sole of his foot. It has also meant that he has not always been able to go out to smoke.
– I stayed under the fan and smoked once I smoked inside, says Annika Edvardsson.
Before the move, she received help from her son to paint the kitchen walls and ceilings, a measure that reduces the smell of nicotine. They also put in an ozone machine to eliminate odors.
Annika Edvardsson walks on crutches and has difficulty getting out every time she has to smoke.
Observed for a strong smell of smoke
According to Annika Edvardsson, the rental company commented on some little things during the inspection and that there were some nicotine stains in some places, but nothing else.
Just over a month after the move, he received an email from Stångåstaden. He said that the rental company had noticed a strong smell of smoke in the apartment, something about which he did not receive any comment during the inspection.
“We will clean the apartment of nicotine and restore those who remain from the protocol. You will be charged for this,” the company wrote.
A few days later, he received a new email with an inspection report attached. He claimed that the barrier painting throughout the apartment cost SEK 15,880 and that he would pay a total of SEK 16,658 based on what had been repaired in the house.
The final bill for everything was 58,002 SEK. And recently the bill landed in the mailbox.
– I was completely surprised, says Annika Edvardsson.
According to the rental company, you must pay for barrier painting throughout the apartment, removal of laminate flooring in the kitchen and bedroom, decontamination, removal of wallpaper, and an ozone treatment.
But it says nothing about what each measure cost, except for the barrier paint.
– Of course it feels horrible. I really wanted to leave the apartment in good condition and I think I did too, he says.
Neither Annika nor her son Mikael can understand why the bill for the inner increase has gotten so high. They dispute the bill.
You have chosen to dispute the invoice.
Annika Edvardsson lived in the apartment for ten years and says she knew that smoking could be a problem, but not that it would cost her so much.
– I was hoping something had gone wrong. I remember reading the bill several times and counting to see if the zeros were correct, he says.
Annika Edvardsson has now enlisted her son’s help to dispute the bill.
– I would like to see all the receipts for what has cost what and some proof of the nicotine stains that they say are in the apartment, says Mikael Edvardsson.
When Aftonbladet contacts Stångåstaden, the response is as follows:
– We have a dialogue with our tenant about this, says Marketing Manager Heidi Berger.
What has become so expensive?
– I don’t want to go into that now that we have a continuous dialogue with our tenant. You can call later, he says.
A few days after Aftonbladet asked questions about the matter, the rental company suddenly changes.
– They say they have verified the material and they can go down to 25,000 SEK instead. However, there is no explanation why it falls suddenly. I also think this sum seems like too much, says Mikael Edvardsson.
Photo: Carolina Byrmo
Fredrik Törnqvist is Managing Director of the Stångåstaden rental company in Linköping.
The rental company awaits a solution
Aftonbladet has searched for Stångåstaden, which has become inaccessible. Instead, they send an SMS.
“We have reviewed our compensation claims based on the fact that our initial claims turned out to be partially incorrect and we are now having a dialogue about this with the tenant,” writes Heidi Berger.
But we don’t get an answer to what went wrong. In the ad, he explains that the rental company was forced to carry out an extensive renovation of the apartment because the tenant did not “fulfill his obligations in relation to the eviction.”
Berger writes: “Our hope is to reach an agreement with the tenant in the near future and we will not comment further on the matter at this time.”
On November 30 the invoice must be paid. Meanwhile, Annika Edvardsson hopes to unpack her things in the new apartment, which she also rents in Stångåstaden.
– I think I may have to move because I can’t pay. I think this feels terrible. I am retired and I cannot afford this.