Reality intrudes

Aftonbladet editorial page he is independently a social democrat.
Photo: Claudio Bresciani / TT / TT NYHETSBYR≈N
Today Annie Lööf returns after her paternity leave. She is welcome. Swedish politics is currently swinging in the Center Party. That is why the leader of the center is needed in political work.
In many ways, a new political landscape awaits you.
Lööf has stated that his attitude towards cooperation with the Swedish Democrats is firm. Yesterday he told Dagens Nyheter that he feels sad about the path chosen by the moderates.
Alliance cooperation is history and change is profound. The magazine Arbetsvärlden recently drew attention to a study from the University of Gothenburg. It shows that today there are clear differences between party voters in terms of trust in the authorities and society.
A wave of mistrust
Swedish Democrats trust the authorities the least, but Christian Democrats and moderates are not far behind. Adapting to right-wing populism has unleashed a wave of distrust.
This is new for Sweden and it is hard not to think of the divided American society where the election campaign is just beginning.
Not least that former Christian Democratic leaders such as Alf Svensson and Göran Hägglund must turn around. They created a party of decent people, perhaps the most decent that existed. Now voters for Christian Democrats express almost the same exclusion as supporters of Jimmie Åkesson.
Meet a new reality
Annie Lööf also returns in a situation where the pandemic has changed reality. This applies especially to the labor market.
The latest figures from the Swedish Public Employment Service speak of an unemployment rate of 9.2 percent. There are 478,934 inhabitants. Since the beginning of March, almost 100,000 people have been notified of layoffs. And the Swedish Agency for Regional and Economic Growth has awarded redundancy benefits to more than half a million employees.
At the same time, the January agreement speaks of breaking the foundations of the Swedish labor market at this time. Employment protection must be changed and the Swedish Public Employment Service fully reorganized.
The timing is so poorly chosen that one may have difficulty breathing. As for job protection, the proposals on the table would also violate the agreement. There is talk of balance. The state investigator was unable to deliver.
The question is what is most important. Reality as it looks now or letters on paper from another time?
Annie Lööf will have her hands full.
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