Anger after disco movies


This week, news came that the government is postponing the decision to increase the audience limit to 500 at sporting and cultural events.

Therefore, the maximum limit of 50 people is maintained in football matches and theatrical performances, in reference to the increase in the spread of the coronavirus.

This weekend, Stureplan’s nightclubs in Stockholm opened after more than six months, and now films about party guests are spreading on social media.

On Twitter, more films are being broadcast from Spy Bar, Sturecompagniet and the Ritz nightclub in Örebro, where companies can be seen dancing alongside their tables.

“Table service only. It must be sparse between the tables and the opportunity to maintain an adequate distance. If it is the case that the rules are not followed, of course it is serious. Here, the municipality has a supervisory responsibility and can temporarily shut down activities that do not follow the rules, “writes the Minister of Social Affairs, Lena Hallengren, in a text message to Aftonbladet.

None of the Stureplan restaurants were searched during 19 inspections on Saturday, where seven restaurants were reprimanded.

Movies are broadcast on social media

“Spy bar and Uppsala City Theater last night. It doesn’t feel right that the same rules apply to everyone. “, writes the actor and theater director Niklas Hjulström in a post on Facebook and compares an empty theater with a movie from the famous disco.

School debater and education director Hamid Zafar, known as “Rector Hamid,” tweets that it is “very provocative” to see party guests at Spy Bar after the government’s decision to limit viewership at sporting events. .

“Why are you the World Cup in pea brains?”

Former hockey player Sofia Reideborn calls for a protest against nightclubs.

“When will all hockey fans and sports fans organize a demonstration in Sergel? Our sports teams get on their knees, but the influencers celebrate at Spy Bar like nothing happened. Why are you always the World Cup in the heart of the pea @socialdemokrat and @amandalind_ ?? “, tweet.

Before the opening on Friday, Linda Nordlund, marketing manager at Stureplansgruppen, owner of Spy Bar, wrote in an email to Aftonbladet that “we rebuilt our clubs to ensure social distancing, where the room has been adapted and furnished so that guests can stay at a safe distance from an infection control point of view ”.

The infection control doctor’s response

Maria Rotzén Östlund, an infection control physician in the Stockholm region, writes in an email response to Expressen that she cannot comment on specific activities, but emphasizes that everyone must avoid queues and congestion to stop the spread of infection. .

She also writes:

With the increasing spread of the infection that we are currently seeing in Stockholm, I would like to strongly remind you of our own responsibility as individuals and the responsibility of companies to ensure that congestion and queues do not arise.

Fredrik Sund is head of infection at Uppsala University Hospital, which is currently experiencing further spread with more corona patients.

He reacts strongly when he sees photos of young partiers who don’t keep their distance.

– It feels very paradoxical how we sit here in the hospital and see patients who are at risk and die, and then we have this other part of the population that seems to have no idea of ​​having fun. But I also have a certain understanding that young people behave like this; few in their circle of acquaintances have become seriously ill.

“Point out the importance of distancing”

He continues:

– But it is important that those of us who see this and understand the risks that exist, continue to point out the importance of distancing. It is very important to keep your distance and unfortunately this rhymes badly with the need of young people to spend time with large groups of people.

Expressen has sought out Culture Minister Amanda Lind, as well as representatives from the Ritz Örebro and the Stureplan group.

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