Anders Wallensten is the face of Sweden’s crown strategy


A printed copy of Dagens Nyheter, 2020-05-14 07:16

Article source: simpler-of-what-the-ar /

With the crisis, Anders Wallensten has had to step forward and take on a more public role than he is used to.

Along with Anders Tegnell, he takes the lead to explain and defend Sweden’s strategy in the crown crisis.

Anders Wallensten, the assistant state epidemiologist, has quickly become one of the nation’s top leaders and a hyperpublic person.

For DN’s Johar Benjelloul, he talks about how he sees that the countries of the world have made such different decisions, and the sudden fixation around him as a person.

“It’s a pretty weird existence for someone who’s used to working in an office,” he says.

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“Anders Tegnell and I don’t really work very closely at the moment, because we are generally in different places. But we have daily contact, we often sit at the same meetings and decide how to divide the work, “says Anders Wallensten.

Photo: Eva Tedesjö

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Anders Wallensten breathes after the press conference, which has become a daily television ritual for many Swedes. “We are honored to see so many. It’s probably part of the dynamics of a troubled moment you want to gather around something, “he says.

Photo: Eva Tedesjö

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Photo: Eva Tedesjö

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Anders Wallensten on his way to the daily press meeting, together with press secretary Pernilla Engström.

Photo: Eva Tedesjö

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“Do you have a minute, Anders?” Anders Tegnell takes his assistant state epidemiologist aside in the middle of the DN interview, for a brief discussion.

Photo: Eva Tedesjö

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Anders Wallensten comes from a well-known academic family. Both parents are doctors and researchers, as well as grandfather and grandfather. The grandmother’s father was named Oscar Jacobson, founder of the fashion company of the same name. “I don’t get free shirts,” jokes Anders Wallensten.

Photo: Eva Tedesjö

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Lunch at the Folkan restaurant of the Public Health Agency. Anders Wallensten meets with former state epidemiologist Johan Giesecke, who is now a consultant to the Public Health Authority.

Photo: Eva Tedesjö

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Anders Wallensten and Anders Tegnell at the daily Epi meeting. Epidemiological researchers Moa Rehn and Emma Byström review new data before the press conference.

Photo: Eva Tedesjö

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It’s 13:59. Anders Wallensten is waiting for him to enter the battle press conference at 2pm, along with Taha Alexandersson and Iréne Nilsson Carlsson of the National Board of Health and Anneli Bergholm Söder of the MSB.

Photo: Eva Tedesjö

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After the press conference, individual interviews with all the media await. Anders Wallensten wanders between the microphones of the media companies.

Photo: Eva Tedesjö
