Avoid traveling by public transport or other public transport such as bus and subway.
2. Refrain from making unnecessary trips, both within and outside the region or part of the region.
3. Refrain from visiting people in risk groups and people who live in special forms of housing for the elderly.
4. Refrain from staying indoors where people gather, such as stores, shopping malls, museums, libraries, bathrooms, and gyms. Exceptions are necessary visits to, for example, supermarkets and pharmacies.
5. Refrain from participating, for example, in meetings, concerts, performances, sports training, matches and competitions. However, the training of children and young people in primary school is not covered.
6. Refrain from visiting restaurants such as bars, restaurants and cafes.
7. Avoid having physical contact with people other than those you live.
The Swedish Public Health Agency, in collaboration with local stakeholders, issues one or more of these tips, depending on the situation in each region.
Source: Swedish Public Health Agency