Rudy Giuliani, a lawyer for Donald Trump and the Trump campaign, along with two other lawyers, Sidney Pollack and Jenna Ellis, held a press conference Thursday where, according to the invitation, they would present how Trump will win the election. They were excited: “There has been a centralized plan for electoral fraud.”
“These are cities run by Democrats that have been corrupt for many years.”
“There are electoral districts where the number of votes was double the number of inhabitants.”
“I don’t know how much Joe Biden himself is aware of, and how much is happening without his knowledge.”
Giuliani has been since then On election night he claimed that Trump actually won, and that massive voter fraud mistakenly gave Joe Biden the victory. Now he and the other two spent an hour and 45 minutes claiming that an advanced conspiracy, organized by Venezuelan communists, George Soros, the Clinton Foundation and the Democratic Party in good cooperation, secured Biden’s election.
It has no head.
At the same time, the Trump campaign has initiated or pursued lawsuits in several key states where Biden won. It has been argued that Republicans were not allowed to control the vote count; that voting by mail and early voting did not coincide; that incorrect votes were cast “it could have been a dead man, or Mickey Mouse!” as Giuliani put it.
Case after case The courts have dismissed cases, often for lack of evidence. Some processes are still ongoing. A new lawsuit will be filed – against Georgia – a “look” at New Mexico and Virginia.
Trump is now trying other methods as well, and has invited two prominent Michigan Republican politicians to the White House in an attempt to pressure them to help him. They have accepted the invitation.
The proof will come, Jenna Ellis assured Thursday, you’ll see: journalists nor elaka.
It was a stranger event, but maybe Giuliani stayed there to show his client that he was making an effort to keep the sweat flowing (literally, and what looked like excess black hair), in front of a map of the states they were discussing .
Proof or not: A few hours later, Sidney Pollack said in an interview with Fox News that the result in “all guardian states should be overthrown” and the electorate votes are for Trump.
But there is no evidence in the United States of voter fraud, irregularities, or widespread miscalculation. Nationally, Joe Biden received about 5.5 million more votes than Trump, and he has a good margin in more states than he needs to win the election. Late Thursday, Georgia also announced that the state recalculation had been completed and that Biden’s victory held firm, with a new (and slightly smaller) margin of 12,284 votes. The Trump campaign quickly came out with a statement that this result is also not accepted.
Some republicans He’s starting to annoy him about Trump’s stubbornness, and that on Tuesday he fired the head of the cybersecurity authority, which oversees the integrity of the electoral system. Among them are both senators and governors. But many top Republicans remain silent, waiting for court proceedings to take place and for Trump to finally leave the White House. If they take his hand away now, they risk the support of their electorate and therefore not being re-elected themselves, that is a calculation of power.
Meanwhile, Joe Biden continues his preparations to launch his administration, albeit with some frustration. The more time passes, the more difficult it becomes not to have access or not to have access to information.
Trump is, according to the US media with sources close to him, aware that he has lost, but wants to run the line, maybe to see how far it goes, maybe because he can’t give up, maybe to fuck? In that case, he has good help from the Republican Party, which lends its premises to the dissemination of conspiracy theories.
About Trump and his lawyers they themselves believe that what they say matters less. As Republicans await the show, the stories take root in the country. It is not difficult to find Trump supporters who believe in conspiracy theories, who regard the election as unfair, and who strongly dissociate themselves from all official figures and authorities.
Political analysts fear that Republicans are playing with fire, that mistrust will have a life of its own and will soon no longer be manageable. Can you put the spirit back in the bottle? We do not know yet.
Read more: Giuliani repeated accusations of electoral fraud without proof