American High School Introduces Requirements for Oral Protection


The background to the requirement, which means that American High School will be the first school in Sweden to introduce requirements for oral protection, is that the school recently had an infection among students.

– We have had a spread of the infection that started with a party where 2-3 students got infected. After that, we completely switched to distance education, so it is only today that students are in their place again, says Peter Hedelin, head of the school, to Aftonbladet.

The requirement means that students must wear mouth guards in public areas such as the lunchroom and hallways. Free mouth guards will be distributed to students.

Until the fall break

In the first instance, the requirement is applied for ten days, until the fall break, to see how the spread of the infection develops in the school.

So it may be relevant to deviate from the requirement and instead do it voluntarily whether you want to wear a mouth guard or not.

– The starting point in school is not to infect others, not to avoid infecting yourself. There we differ somewhat from, for example, healthcare. But it is also a symbolic question. We want to show that we take the pandemic seriously, Peter Hedelin tells Aftonbladet.

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