Allow to remove alcohol to save taverns


The debater: restaurants need help to survive the new rules


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The government should swiftly introduce a temporary change in the law that allows the removal of alcohol from restaurants along with food.  Otherwise, many companies in the industry risk losing and employees losing their jobs, writes Karin Ernlund.

Photo: GETT, TT

The government should swiftly introduce a temporary change in the law that allows the removal of alcohol from restaurants along with food. Otherwise, many companies in the industry risk losing and employees losing their jobs, writes Karin Ernlund.

DEBATE. On November 11, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven and Minister of Social Affairs Lena Hallengren announced that alcohol should not be sold in pubs after 1pm. 22.00, from November 20 to February 28.

The decision is part of reducing the spread of the infection, and I fully support and respect the fact that the government is acting at this difficult time to protect people’s health and lives.

On the other hand, it is now also important to be able to see beyond the acute crisis in which we find ourselves.

One day the pandemic will end and then we must ensure that jobs, businesses, entertainment, and culture remain. The restaurant industry is already suffering severely from restrictions and many companies are on their knees or have already collapsed. The restaurant industry is an important industry to protect; For many, a job in the hotel and restaurant industry is their first job and a path to working life.

But industry is also important for a vibrant city that beats, that attracts, where people want to live and where other companies want to establish themselves. Without pubs, bars, clubs and restaurants, we risk everything that defines a great city.

We are in the middle of a crisis. A crisis in which people die and risk dying if we do not act. Therefore, I do not question the government’s decision, I am convinced that it is well balanced and carefully thought out in terms of the spread of the infection.

However, we must have the ability to think two thoughts at the same time. When more and more open businesses close and the Swedish autumn darkness also creeps in, we must allow people to have a little fun too.

A selected dinner wine ordered at home can give it an extra golden touch. We must be able to afford these kinds of measures in these difficult times.

Therefore, the government must now swiftly introduce a temporary change in the law to allow alcohol to be removed from restaurants along with food. The temporary change in the law should apply during the same period as the ban on serving. Otherwise, many companies in the industry risk losing and employees losing their jobs.

I understand that there may be arguments against. That threatens the Swedish alcohol monopoly. That EU legislation takes a toll on the wheels or that it is not possible to legislate so quickly.

But over the past year, Sweden and the world have shown that it is certainly possible to enact temporary legislation quickly and that it is possible to make exceptions on otherwise important principles.

Who would have thought a year ago that the government would decide to ban public gatherings of more than 50 people? It is a profound restriction on freedom of assembly, but we accept it in these exceptional circumstances.

Municipalities like Nacka and Växjö have already tried to allow the elimination of alcoholic beverages. The municipalities have used the regulations that exist in the framework of restoration activities.

I am sure that if the government only wants and dares to be creative, it will find a way to solve the legislative issue.

We must save important jobs in the catering industry and we must keep businesses after the crisis.

Karin Ernlund, district president Center Party in Stockholm (C)

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