Japan Airlines discards a greeting phrase that more and more people consider outdated. Stock Photography.
Starting in October, Japan Airlines passengers will no longer be greeted with the “ladies and gentlemen” greeting. Instead, the airline will use phrases like “all passengers”, “good morning” and “good night” in its messages in English. In Japanese, the gender-neutral “minna-sama” (a respectful way of all) is applied, reports The Guardian.
“We are committed not to discriminate on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or other personal characteristics,” a company spokesperson told Reuters.
Air Canada and EasyJet started out with gender-neutral greetings last year, but Japan Airlines is the first Japanese airline to follow the same path.
In March this year, the company’s flight attendants were also allowed to wear trousers and flats if they wished. The ad followed a national campaign to protest the fact that women are expected to wear high heels in workplaces in Japan.