“All are necessary: the staff already has more than 300,000 overtime hours”
Of: Anders johansson
Despite the growing queues for care, the warnings remain at Karolinska Hospital.
Social Democratic politician Aida Hadzialic now accuses Iréne Svenonius and the moderates of having caused the situation.
– We demand that the warnings from the nursing aides and doctors stop immediately, says Aida Hadzialic.
More than 250 auxiliary doctors and nurses from Karolinska have been notified of the dismissal.
At the same time, external staff must be hired to skim the queues for attention that have been lengthened due to the pandemic.
Finanslandstingsrådet Iréne Svenonius (M) says in an interview that the notices are due to personnel changes that need to be made and that it is not certain that someone will have to be fired in the end.
Aida Hadzialic.
But S Aida Hadzialic’s policy is critical.
“Needed to stop alerts”
– The Social Democrats and I believe that it is absolutely necessary to stop the warnings in Karolinska, says Aida Hadzialic.
– We have a huge health care debt ahead of us. 44 percent of patients in the Stockholm Region queue for care are not seen on time. This is a catastrophic figure, approaching half of all patients, and so are those with difficult diagnoses.
A background to the notices is the savings requirement. If it is not going to be saved, where should the money come from?
– Let me then ask the question: Who has decided that it is kept in Karolinska and in the other hospitals in the Stockholm region? Well, that’s moderate leadership!
Photo: Magnus Wennman
Irene Svenonius, Stockholm County Councilor for Moderate Finance.
“A lot of money has been wasted”
Aida Hadzialic emphasizes that the Stockholm region is the most resource-rich region in Sweden.
– The only problem is that these resources have been wasted in the introduction of new healthcare markets for more than a decade. More freedom of choice is welcome and private actors can be a complement. But the moderates in the Stockholm region have been ideologically blinded. We now have so many healthcare markets in the region that healthcare has been totally fragmented and huge amounts of money have been wasted. And now you have to clean up the economy. And then choose to send a direct notice to the hospital in the region.
– But it is possible to choose another path. And that’s reprioritizing the resources of healthcare markets and instead building the capacity of hospitals, ensuring that we have more, not fewer, healthcare employees. So that more healthcare places can be opened, and thus shorten queues and guarantee patient safety.
The warnings remain at Karolinska Hospital.
“Set aside money for hospitals”
Aida Hadzialic also wants the money raised by the government to go to hospitals.
In parallel with the announcements, Karolinska will hire external operational teams.
Iréne Svenonius believes that a period is necessary to ensure that waiting patients undergo surgery as quickly as possible. Existing staff cannot be used because they lack the right skills.
Aida Hadzialic believes that this is an illogical argument.
– The care debt we have in front of us is large and includes many different parts of medical care, he says. So we need all the staff we can get right now to delay the queues.
– Last year, before the pandemic, Karolinska had more than 350,000 overtime hours. These are extreme numbers in which both auxiliary nurses and doctors were affected, which Svenonius now renounces, which she believes are superfluous. So that equation does not go hand in hand, health needs these employees, everything points to that.