Agree that Trump is running out of time


They have met and agreed to work together for the remainder of the presidency, until Joe Biden takes office on January 20.

It was the first time the two had spoken since Trump supporters stormed the Capitol on January 6 when the election results were confirmed.

The two agreed that those who stormed the Capitol do not represent Trump’s “America First” movement and vowed to continue his work for the country as of late. It was a good discussion where they both talked about next week and what has been accomplished in the last four years, according to the source.

Democrats in the House of Representatives want to implement a second federal court against Donald Trump and on Monday filed charges of “inciting rebellion” and that he deliberately encouraged the storm. They also refer to Trump’s talks with the Georgia head of state and the stimulus to “find votes” to win the state.

A vote can be taken on Wednesday on this resolution, as long as Trump has not been expelled before that date. However, to be removed through the Supreme Court, a two-thirds majority is required in the Senate. The Democrats failed on this in February 2020.
