After the strip: Jenny Alversjö posted again | Pleasure


In October of last year, Jenny Alversjö suffered severe headaches and finally, upon going to the hospital, it was discovered that the TV profile had been hit by a stroke.

After a long recovery, he returned on “News Morning” in 2020.

In April, she underwent surgery after doctors discovered the cause of the stroke.

“Doctors now know why I have a brain hemorrhage. The small vessels on the back of the head don’t fit well in a vein and need to be repaired, “she wrote on Instagram.

READ MORE: Operated by Jenny Alversjö: Doctors’ response after stroke

New hospital post

On Tuesday, Jenny Alversjö suddenly posted a new Instagram post with two images of New Karolinska on Solna. In the text of the image, he appeals to people to continue taking the crown crisis seriously, and also seeks to pay tribute to medical care. But no explanation is left of why he is back in the hospital.

However, in a text message, Jenny Alversjö briefly tells us about the situation.

“He has done another procedure and everything went well. I’m fighting, ”he writes, ending with a smiling smile.

READ MORE: Alversjö’s words – the time after stroke: “Under investigation”
READ MORE: Jenny Alversjö suffered a stroke
