When the new coronavirus reached western Sweden, the healthcare system had to change rapidly. At the same time, it soon became clear that stocks of protective equipment were rapidly dwindling.
Respiratory masks and visors became scarce and stocks had to be replenished day by day. The equipment was prioritized so that it was sufficient for the personnel who worked closer to the most seriously ill.
– We direct orders to those most in need, and this has meant that intensive care, infection care and the emergency room have had access throughout the pandemic, said Ann Söderström, director of health and medical care in the Västra region Götaland, to GP in July.
READ MORE: Ann Söderström on Spring Care with Coronavirus
Risk of having to dispose of the equipment
After the most intense weeks of spring, the issue of emergency stocks has become relevant. In Sweden, inventories have decreased over time, but Johnny Magnusson (M), president of the regional board in Västra Götaland, does not believe it is a solution to accumulating large inventories for the future.
– It is clear that it can be said that we should have stocks that correspond to ten years of consumption, but then we have to throw away a lot of material. I don’t believe in contingency stocking without copying old defense industry agreements, where you can quickly switch over and deliver certain types of products, he tells DN.
READ MORE: Protective gear was burned this summer.
Hard to be prepared
The spread of covid-19 has affected the entire society, and initially it was the health system that had to make the biggest change.
At the same time, Johnny Magnusson believes that there were no guidelines on what emergency actions the region would take.
– We are responsible for health care and we are responsible for a major health care incident, but we are not responsible for stockpiling for an unknown pandemic of a force that has not been seen in 100 years. It is as if the firefighters have sufficient preparation if everything burns at the same time in the oil port. There will be many old people and many fire extinguishers. It is not possible to size a society for total disaster, he tells DN.
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READ MORE: Corona’s budget will handle West Sweden’s healthcare debt
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