After a long lease dispute: the Swedish Academy can buy Börshuset


Stockholm City Councilor for Real Estate Dennis Wedin (M) announced in March 2019 that he wanted the Swedish Academy to start paying the rent for Börshuset. Since 1914, the Swedish Academy has rented more than 2,000 square meters at Börshuset in Stockholm without paying any rent.

The Swedish Academy contradicted when referring to a 100-year agreement signed with the city where the academy had already paid the rent and that the agreement would apply “forever.”

Can be sold

The city of Stockholm is now opening to sell Börshuset to the academy. The academy has previously expressed interest in purchasing the home.

– Since it has emerged in the conversations that there is such interest, we will of course look into it, says Dennis Wedin.

The city must carry out an appraisal of Börshuset in order to make a direct sale to the Academy. As early as 1913, the Swedish Academy wanted to buy Börshuset. Since then, the issue has been raised politically several times, but no sale has been relevant.

Be ready to sue

In February 2020, the city announced that it was prepared to sue the Swedish Academy to obtain the rent. The lawsuit was completed but never filed.

– I have not changed positions, we still have the requirement that we want to rent and we do not legally believe that this agreement will be honored, but this is an easy way to investigate the matter, says Dennis Wedin, who also points out that they are still prepared to enter a legal dispute if necessary.

The permanent secretary of the Swedish Academy, Mats Malm, writes to Kulturnyheterna: “We have a good dialogue with the city of Stockholm, but we decline the opportunity to leave detailed comments on the content of the ongoing talks.”

However, member Eric M Runesson tells Dagens Nyheter that the Academy is willing to buy Börshuset – If the price is correct.
