Of: Anna Sjögren
Hundreds of people gathered to prematurely fire 12-year-old Adriana.
Now her mother wants her daughter’s death to lead to political changes that stop the gang violence.
– Adriana’s place on earth was not in vain. She was here to shake it up, she says.
Just before the church bells rang over the northern cemetery of Solna, the rain-laden clouds had dissipated. Instead, the sun was shining on the North Chapel, where hundreds gathered to take 12-year-old Adriana to her final rest.
Inside the chapel, the immediate family met. Outside, hundreds of friends, classmates and teachers rose to their feet and followed the Catholic funeral ceremony through loudspeakers.
– I wanted it to be powerful, big and beautiful. She deserved so much more, says Susanne, Adriana’s mother.
Susanne, Adriana’s mother
“She was my other half”
After the ceremony, Adriana was taken in a long procession to her cemetery, where everyone could say goodbye and lay flowers. White balloons were launched into the sky.
It’s been just over a month since Adriana was shot and killed in a rest area in Hallunda, south of Stockholm. The shots she was given weren’t for her, she became another innocent victim of gang violence.
– I live in the fog, I have no contact with my feelings or my soul. It feels like I’m wandering around in a shell and completely empty, she was my other half, says Susanne.
– I feel like a shadow.
I wanted to become a politician
He describes Adriana as a person who wanted to change the world and make society better and fairer.
– She was tough, fair and brave. And she defended her thoughts and opinions. She was a peacemaker. Absolutely fantastic, says Susanne.
Isabella, Adriana’s godmother, describes her as a person who stood up for the vulnerable and said no when she thought something was wrong. Her dream was to become a politician.
A Lex Adriana against the culture of silence
Nothing can bring Adriana back to life. Susanne hopes that the terrible things that have happened to the family can at least lead to change.
– Adriana’s place on earth was not in vain. It was to shake her off. I hope it becomes political in its own way, she says.
– I don’t want you to ever forget your name.
She hopes that the death of her daughter could lead to a lex Adriana, which means that the culture of silence is broken and it makes it easier for witnesses to dare to appear when this type of crime is committed.
– I’d like to see Adrian’s laws introduced. If we had anonymous witnesses, we would have been much more advanced than we are today, then more witnesses would dare to appear. Now the people who were at the scene when it happened don’t dare to talk to the police, Susanne says.
The school starts a memorial fund
Adriana’s school principal, Maria Nordheden Gard, was also present at the funeral. In a speech, she said the school will start a memorial fund in the spirit of Adriana.
– For the good of the family and Adriana, we must all receive help so that society improves.
Police were present during the funeral.