Adriana, 12, was shot and killed in a rest area in Norsborg in August.
Now her parents are talking about the nightmare and grief after their daughter’s death.
– We still haven’t run out of anything, says Milad, Adriana’s father, to “Nyhetsmorgon” on TV4.
On the morning of August 2, life changed forever for Susanne and Milad. Later, his daughter Adriana Naghei Ostrowska, 12, died after being hit by a bullet in a shooting at a rest area in Botkyrka.
Adriana hadn’t wanted to go on a trip with her mother Susanne and family, they say on TV4’s “Nyhetsmorgon.” He was allowed to stay home and live with Milad, who was working nights tonight.
Photo: Privat / Andreas Bardell
Adriana’s father Milad recounts the pain and feelings of guilt just over two months after the daughter was shot and killed in Norsborg.
– The last time we spoke was shortly after ten. Then he told me that he had eaten and gone out with the dogs and that he was going to bed. I would go swimming the next day, Milad says.
I got the message on the way from work
I was on my way home from the night shift early in the morning when Susanne, who got the terrible message first, called. He thought his daughter was at home in his bed.
– I do not hear what he says, he does not understand the words. But then she says “someone has shot Adriana,” she says with a broken voice.
It’s been a little over two months now. But everyday life is far away. Susanne had previously described to Aftonbladet that it was like living in the fog after her daughter died.
Photo: Andreas Bardell
Susanne, Adriana’s mother, at the funeral. Two and a half months after the daughter’s death, the pain remains intense.
“You feel guilty for laughing”
There are times when family or friends can think of other things, says Milad on the TV show.
– It may even happen that you start laughing. But you feel guilty: Why are you laughing? His son was murdered, he says.
Many have wondered what a 12-year-old boy was doing outside at 3 at night.
– It provokes me. Should it be more normal for people to shoot recklessly than for a 12-year-old to run away?
Police have stated that Adriana was not the target of the shooting. But no suspect has yet been arrested in the act.
– For me, these are not gangsters, they are child killers, says Milad.
I wanted to change society
Parents describe Adriana as a wise person who saw injustice, who wanted to change society and dreamed of becoming a politician.
Mother Susanne has previously said in an interview on Aftonbladet that the family wants to see a Lex Adriana, so that more witnesses will dare to come forward and tell the police what they know:
– Adriana’s place on earth was not in vain. It was to shake him off. I hope it becomes political in its own way.
Photo: Carolina Byrmo
Candles and flowers at the spot where 12-year-old Adriana was shot and killed at the Hallunda gas station, Botkyrka, south of Stockholm, on August 2, 2020.