Å Police are prepared for an attack during sports holidays


On Sunday, the police carried out several traffic checks, including along E14 and Provincial Highway 321. Many motorists were in too much of a hurry and explained their speeding by saying they were stressed about reaching their holiday destination. .

– There were 77 speeding tickets and eight confiscated driving licenses. On a day of travel, says Andreas Zehlander.

Many travel to Åre during week 9 when, among other things, students from the Stockholm school have a sports holiday. And in addition to traffic control, the police plan to make other efforts during the week, exactly what Zehlander does not want to say.

– We are prepared for most things. We have a strengthened capacity for Åre during week 9. We have strengthened internally within Jämtland and will be working incredibly broadly, says Zehlander.

In addition, they are prepared to Initiatives related to the crown, such as house parties, which go off the rails when more people choose to party at the cabanas when the restaurant is closed.

– But we had expected that over Christmas and New Years as well, but then we didn’t get such calls and it became very calm on that front. But now we have received signals about parties in cabins and apartments that we will see a little more.

If it is a party that has been publicized on social media, for example, the police have the opportunity to dissolve it, as it can be seen as a public event, according to Zehlander.

– It is that they get together for a party, for an event, then we will go there. If we can dissolve it, we will, otherwise it could be a violation of the law of order or anti-pandemic law, he says.

However, there is no possibility or the county board or the police breaking up a private party that is not advertised anywhere and that, for example, a neighbor does not report as nuisance.

– There is no provision that says you are not allowed to have a party in a mountain cabin, says Ian Kindstrand, an attorney for the county administrative board, who has the responsibility to monitor compliance with the restrictions of the law against the pandemic.

However, of course, the regulations of the Swedish Public Health Agency and the general advice on everyone’s responsibility to prevent infection with covid-19 apply, where it is established, among other things, that new close contacts must be limited and only socialize with people you normally meet.

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