From: TT
Photo: Johan Nilsson / TT
The test is performed by healthcare professionals who take a sample from the back of the nasal wall with a sampling stick on the patient. Stock Photography.
The Skåne region is one of the first in the country to introduce a rapid test for covid-19. The test gives results on a possible covid infection in 15 minutes and should be able to be used in healthcare, the region claims.
The region has purchased 200,000 of the so-called antigen tests and the idea is that it will complement other test methods used. A quick result is an advantage to know if there are infected people, for example, in nursing homes and between patients in health centers.
The test is performed by healthcare professionals who take a sample from the back of the nasal wall with a sampling stick. The sample is then placed in a test tube with liquid, and after about 15 minutes it becomes clear whether the test is positive or negative.
“The antigen test is a complementary and rapid test method to determine a possible infection. Positive responses to the rapid test will be supplemented for the time being with another test, called a PCR test,” says Ingvar Eliasson, Clinical Operations Manager Microbiology, in a press release.
The rapid test is also ongoing in Stockholm. A pilot study in nursing homes is starting there where the rapid variant will be compared with the usual PCR test in collaboration with the Swedish Public Health Agency, Smittskydd Stockholm and the Karolinska Institutet, reports Mitti.