A new large prison is planned in Kalmar


It has been known for some time that a new institution is under way in eastern Sweden. On Monday, the director general of the Swedish Prison and Probation Service, Martin Holmgren, decided that Kalmar is the city in which the authority will focus to make plans for a new institution and a new prison in eastern Sweden.

– The decision to establish the new institution in Kalmar means that we can take advantage of the experience that already exists in Kalmar today, which is a huge advantage over building a business from scratch, says the CFO and Ownership Service Swedish Prisons and Probation, Björn Myrberg, in a press release.

The focus is a detention center adjacent to the central city of Kalmar and an institution in a suitable location within the municipality of Kalmar, writes the Swedish Prison and Probation Service on its website. If the conditions are shown to exist, the prison and the institution can become a joint facility.

The plan is to be able to sign a letter of intent with the municipality of Kalmar about the establishment already around the turn of the year 2020/2021. And the goal is then that the new class 2 institution with at least 300 regular places can be put into use by 2027.

At the beginning of this year, the Swedish Prison and Probation Service signed a collaboration agreement with the municipality of Trelleborg, where an institution, also with some 300 places, will be built in the coming years.

The lack of space in the Swedish Prison and Probation Service is such a big problem today that the authority has gone into personal mode since last spring to handle the situation.

The two new institutions being planned now are long-term solutions. To cope with congestion in institutions and prisons in the short term, the Swedish Prison and Probation Service is working to expand existing institutions with, for example, modular houses and barracks.
