A mushroom picker pensioner was brutally robbed – left bleeding


All the events for which the two young men were charged took place in mid-July of this year.

The most serious, a serious robbery for which he was later convicted, took place in the forests of Ullared, about which Hallands Nyheter had previously written.

A 75-year-old woman had picked mushrooms and when the oil light came on, she didn’t dare drive the car and decided to sleep in it and buy oil the next day.

In the middle of the night, she was awakened by a car parked next to hers, in which two young men who were attacking were sitting.

– I woke up with a car stopped in front of my car and the headlights flashed towards me. The cars were very close to each other, no less than half a meter between them. The cars were front to front. I thought it was weird. Why did they drive so close and then they stayed there ?, says the woman in questioning.

Left bleeding in the rain

The two men wanted money, a mobile phone, and drugs. During the robbery, the woman was stabbed in the arm three times and brutally thrown out of the car.

– The one I saw the least had backed up the car they entered and yelled at the other that he would take my car. “We should have the car, because we need a car” and “cut the old woman’s throat,” the woman continues.

He feared for his life during the robbery and says he thought he had reached the end of his life.

Then the men left the place in their respective cars, the first one they entered and the woman’s. The woman left them in the rain, bleeding and only in their underwear.

Sentenced to prison

He went to a house and was able to alert the police.

The two, who are now 19 years old, were sentenced to prison for three years and four months each, by the Varberg District Court. If they were older than 21, they would have been sentenced to five years in prison.

During questioning, the two suspects are sometimes speechless and have incomplete memories of what happened on the day in question.

Both admit that they took tablets, one of them says that he was forced to take them by the other and was forced to accompany him on the trip of madness.

– He opened one of the car doors, I see that he takes someone out of the car and then he was outside my car door. Then I go out and yell “what are you doing, what is going on?” Then we left. He was in that car, I was in my car, he says.

“We panic”

The other man confirms the partner’s information in some places, as if the two have known each other for about a month.

– We panicked, we didn’t think anyone would be in the back seat. I didn’t deliberately stab her, when I pull her out of the car it may have happened, she says.

The interrogator: The plaintiff tells in his interrogation that one of the boys stabs her. Did the same assailant then put the knife to her neck and the other man is said to have killed her?

– If that’s true, it’s life threatening. It could have gone wrong but I don’t remember. I think he’s exaggerating a bit. I didn’t put the knife to his neck.

– When I stab her, she fights with my arms and I have to take both hands and it turns out that I cut her. I don’t remember that I was the one who ripped it off.

District court: cruelty

In the ruling, the district court describes the theft:

“The handling of her can be described as brutal. The fact that she was deprived of most of her belongings and left in the woods bleeding and wearing only underwear reinforces the cruelty of the act. In an overall assessment, the court finds that the theft should be assessed as severe.

The two 19-year-olds were also suspected of stealing another car, but the district court cleared them of the charges.

One of the men was also acquitted of the charges of murder, these were the calls that he would have given to the other man, to cut the throat of the woman who was robbed.

In addition to aggravated robbery, men are also convicted, among other things, of illegal driving, robbery, driving while intoxicated, and misdemeanors related to drugs and illegal driving.

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